September 29, 2023
The gin is ginning. It started yesterday morning. Seems strange because I’ve not noticed any trucks hauling bales of cotton or seen any bales sitting around in fields.
They are harvesting peanuts too. That puts a lot of dust in the air that aggravates breathing issues for a lot of people. But dust in the sky tends to create some beautiful sunrises and sunsets that I appreciate seeing. So, I view that whole thing as a good thing. It’s kind of like a pay-for-view thing. Unless it’s cloudy and you can’t see the sunrise or sunset.
There is a bit of an identity crisis associated with this crazy life-transition that I am engaged in. It is something of a crisis. But it’s different in its own way because the “season of crisis” is back there behind me now. It seems to be more of a life-recalculation and recalibration.
I knew who I was, who I had grown to become as the “David” in “Shirli and David”. I am still coming to know some things about who I am as just David. And my how some things have changed. My how I am changing with the things that are changing. Life’s perimeters have been greatly redrawn by an Unseen Hand. I’m looking at the changed landscape and thinking to myself, “This is the world that I now live in as just David.”
Honestly, it’s all more than a little exciting and frightening at the same time. There is always this tension between the two. It’s not annoying. It’s just there. It may sound odd but I’m finding the tension becoming rather exhilarating at this stage of things. It motivates me to keep moving ahead as this “whatever is unfolding around me” unfolds.
The thought never occurred to me before a few days ago. It was one of those thoughts that just shows up on their own and leaves you digging deep in ponderment.
When I was a child and teen growing up, I had no idea of what I wanted to be when I grew up. It seems my peers had some idea of what they wanted to be. I didn’t have the foggiest of a clue what I wanted to be. And, for not knowing what I wanted to be, my life has been far, far, far from lackluster. My goodness. What an adventure this life of mine has been! And the adventure is not over. There’s more to come.
Maybe, in the Grand Scheme of things, it was never meant for me to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up?
Have I grown up?
I’ve grown older. But no. I’ve never grown up. I have, of necessity, acted grown up from time to time. At one point I even took on uncomfortably wearing three-piece suits, ties, and wing-tip shoes in the performance of my pastoral duties. At this point in life, I truly believe I’ll never grow up. I will simply never grow up. It’s more than a choice for me. It’s a way of life … one that I’ve known since my childhood.